Chủ đề Books and Films là một chủ đề không khó trong phần thi IELTS Speaking, tuy nhiên, các bạn cũng cần có sự chuẩn bị chu đáo để đạt band điểm cao nhất có thể nhé. Tham khảo câu trả lời mẫu band 7.5 bên dưới đây và thực hành (practice IELTS Speaking) để nhớ lâu hơn nhé.

Practice IELTS Speaking Books & Films: Part 1 – style questions

  • Do you like to read books?

Yes … I love reading … I like nothing more than to be engrossed in a good book … I regularly take out books from the library and usually read them from cover to cover in no time … and I can’t go to sleep at night without some good bedtime reading

  • How often do you go to the cinema?

Unfortunately we don’t have a cinema near us so we have to go into the nearest town to catch the latest movie … I usually avoid seeing popular box-office hits which I’m not always keen on seeing … I prefer low-budget filmssci-fi especially … and there’s a great cinema I go to that has frequent showings of films like these …

  • Do you prefer reading books or watching films?

I’m not really a big reader … I find books quite heavy-going … so I much prefer to see a film … perhaps it’s the special effects or the soundtrack … I don’t know … I just prefer a film …

Từ vựng

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

to be engrossed in

to be completely focused on one thing

mải mê với

bedtime reading

something to read in bed before you go to sleep

sách bạn đọc trước khi đi ngủ

to take out (a book from the library)

to borrow a book from the library

mượn một cuốn sách từ thư viện

to read something from cover to cover

read a book from the first page to the last

đọc một cuốn sách từ trang đầu tiên đến trang cuối cùng


performances of a film

màn trình diễn của một bộ phim

a low budget film

a film made with a small amount of money

một bộ phim kinh phí thấp

a box office hit

a financially successful film

một bộ phim thành công về mặt tài chính


science fiction

khoa học viễn tưởng

to catch the latest movie

to see a film that has just come out

xem một bộ phim mới ra mắt

to be a big reader

someone who reads a lot

người đọc nhiều sách

to be heavy-going

difficult to read

khó đọc, khó hiểu

special effects

the visuals or sounds that are added to a film which are difficult to produce naturally

hiệu ứng đặc biệt


the music that accompanies a film

nhạc phim

Practice IELTS Speaking Books & Films: Part 2 – style task

Describe a book you have read or a film you have seen. You should say:

  • what this book or film was
  • when you read or saw it
  • why you decided to see the film or read the book
  • and say if you enjoyed it and why.

I like reading … especially English novels … it’s a great way to improve your vocabulary and there are so many fantastic authors to choose from … one book that came highly recommended by my teacher was The Mayor of Casterbridge … I was studying at a school in The UK at the time and she said it would give me a picture of what life was like years ago in the area I was living … well I have to say I absolutely loved it  … it was a real page-turner … it’s a historical novel and the setting was a fictional town called Casterbridge … but actually it was based on a town near where I was studying called Dorchester … it had such a great plot … to cut a long story short it tells the story of the downfall of a man called Henchard the central character who lives during a period of great social change around the time of the industrial revolution … the reason I enjoyed it so much … apart from the great story … it gave me a picture of what life had been like in the place I was studying at the time … I really couldn’t put it down … a fantastic story …

Từ vựng

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

a historical novel

a story set in the past

một cuốn tiểu thuyết lịch sử

a page turner

a book that you want to keep reading

một cuốn sách mà bạn muốn tiếp tục đọc

to come highly recommended

to be praised by another person

được người khác khen ngợi

to be based on

to use as a modal

được dựa trên


the main events in a film or book

các sự kiện chính trong một bộ phim hoặc cuốn sách

the setting

where the action takes place

nơi hành động diễn ra

couldn’t put it down

wasn’t able to stop reading a book

không thể ngừng đọc một cuốn sách

the central character

the main person in a film or book

nhân vật chính trong một bộ phim hoặc một cuốn sách

to tell the story of

to outline the details of someone’s life or an event

kể câu chuyện về

Practice IELTS Speaking Books & Films: Part 3 – style questions

  • Is reading as pleasurable in digital format?

Personally I prefer reading a paperback or hardback … especially if I’m reading a classic which I don’t think feels right as an e-book … but I can see it can be good for others … my grandmother has an e-reader and she loves the way you can enlarge the text …

  • Do you think bookshops will survive the digital revolution?

Thomas: I think so … at least I hope so … I love flicking through books in a bookshop … online shopping is useful … finding out on Amazon if a book you want has got a good review … maybe getting one that is difficult to find … but I still love the experience of being in a bookshop …

  • Statistics show that visits to the cinema are up despite the availability of DVDs and online downloads. Why do you think this might be?

I think it’s the whole experience that the cinema offers … going out to see a film when it goes on general release … and seeing it on the big screen is more exciting than watching the film at home on TV … especially if it’s an action movie … and watching it with others makes it even more special …

Từ vựng

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

an e-book

a digital book

một cuốn sách điện tử

an e-reader

a device for reading e-books

máy đọc sách điện tử


a book with a flexible cover (see ‘hardback’ above)

sách có bìa mềm


a book with a rigid cover (see ‘paperback’ below)

sách có bìa cứng

to flick through

to look quickly through a book

lướt nhanh qua cuốn sách

to get a good/bad review

to receive positive or negative feedback

nhận được phản hồi tích cực hoặc tiêu cực

to go on general release

when a film can be seen by the general public

khi công chúng có thể xem một bộ phim

on the big screen

at the cinema

màn hình lớn

an action movie

a film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence

phim hành động

to see a film

to see a film at the cinema (see ‘watch a film’ below)

xem phim tại rạp

to watch a film

to watch a film on TV (see ‘to see a film’ above)

xem phim trên TV

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